When we were kids were often asked "What do you want to be when you grown-up?". Our answers varied but I'll bet most of us didn't adamantly say ENTREPRENEUR (if we even could say that word). I sure didn't - I wanted to be a social worker and then, later, an accountant like my dad. I had no idea what an accountant did, except go to a nice office and stay there for very long hours. Strange how that appealed to me...
After many years of working for others, I decided it was time to try something completely different - go out on my own - be my own boss- hang my shingle - to become an entrepreneur! So here I am learning to blog, so I can develope my business using social media. I need to reach bunches of companies that want accounting and bookkeeping services.
West Ventures LLC is open for business and I am ready to tackle new challenges.
Congratulations! Nothing like being your own boss!